The Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith

Starting on Sunday, January 14th, the focus in our churches will be The Wesley Challenge: 21 Days to a More Authentic Faith.

Over the course of three weeks, Rev. Debbie, Rev. Peg, and myself will be preaching on the 21 questions that John Wesley encouraged the first Methodists to ask themselves together in small groups on a weekly basis.

These questions were designed to “strip away pretense, expose the motives of the heart, and lead toward holiness.”

To give you an example, Wesley’s first question was, “Is Jesus real to me?”

I hope we all can see why learning to answer that question in the affirmative is absolutely foundational for living a Christian life.

But, more than just talking about these questions on Sunday morning, we’re offering opportunities to discuss them in smaller groups with other believers.

Over the course of three weeks, I’ll be leading sessions on The Wesley Challenge in small group at my parsonage on Monday evenings at 7 pm, as well as on Thursday evenings during Beyond worship at Spencer. Rev. Peg Bowman will be leading a session on the Wesley Challenge at Carnegie UMC on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.

This study is based on the idea that it takes at least 21 days to develop a new habit in your life.

So our hope and prayer for the Wesley Challenge is that over these three weeks we’ll develop habits for faithful Christian living that we’ll carry with us not only through 2018 but, more importantly, for the rest of our lives.

I hope you’ll join us on Sunday mornings as well as for one of the Wesley Challenge small group opportunities during the week.

It all begins on January 14th with the Wesleyan Covenant Renewal Service.