
Fairhaven Shorts 6-9-2024

Consequences of Choosing a King What were those consequences? A king would take their sons for his service, whether that was military or to plow his lands and reap his harvest. Others he

Fairhaven Shorts 6-2-2024

Sins of Omission Eli is about to fall, because Eli's sons have been blaspheming God over and over. Specifically, they have been verbally abusing the worshippers that come into the temple.

Fairhaven Shorts 5-19-2024

A Miraculous Pentecost And today on Pentecost, we celebrate the fulfillment of God's Word as given by the prophet Joel. So let's dig into this story, starting with the

Mother's Day Shorts 2024

The Importance of Mothers Mother's Day is a time to celebrate women, especially the mother figures in your life, whether these maternal figures brought you forth from birth or entered your

Fairhaven Shorts 5-5-2024

The Joyful Sound of Music in Worship Have you ever noticed that when the Bible talks about joy, it almost always talks about music and singing? There is a joy that I think