Holy Week

Fairhaven UMC will host Maundy Thursday service at 7pm on Thursday, 4/14. This will be a jazz service, a new thing for us that is going to be a beautiful experience as we recall Christ’s last supper with his disciples and share in Communion.
There will be a cross procession beginning at Hill Top on Good Friday, 4/15, at 2pm. Together with Abiding Missions, we’ll carry a cross up Beltzhoover Avenue toward Grandview, stopping along the way to read Scripture that tells us of Jesus’ passion. It will end at Abiding Missions on Excelsior Street with the stripping of the altar.
Good Friday service will be held at Spencer at 7:30pm. As is our tradition in the Partnership, this will be a Tenebrae service (a service of darkness) that walks through Jesus’ betrayal, journey to the cross, and finally his death. If you’ve never attended before, Tenebrae is an extremely powerful service.
Worship will be preceded by a fish dinner. If you plan to eat, please RSVP to the office at (412) 881-4000 by Wednesday, 4/13.
If you’re at all able, I strongly encourage you to make time for Maundy Thursday and/or Good Friday worship. Easter Sunday has a far deeper feeling of meaning and grace when we have walked with the Lord to the cross first, rather than just coming from the celebration of Palm Sunday the week before. The silence of Good Friday makes Easter’s “he is risen!” all the greater.