Peg Bowman Fatherhood Sunday service was held by Rev. Peg Bowman and was titled “Fatherhood”. /content/images/wordpress/2017/06/fatherhood.mp3
Fairhaven Sermon 10-27-2024 Pastor Parson honored Gutiérrez's advocacy for the poor. In Mark, Jesus prioritizes a blind beggar (Bartimaeus). Parson urged us to love and act for the poor, identifying with them as Christ does.
Fairhaven Sermon 10-20-2024 Pastor Peg’s sermon at Fairhaven United Methodist Church emphasized the importance of servanthood in God’s kingdom, contrasting it with worldly notions of power and status. The congregation was encouraged to follow Jesus’ example of humility and service.
Fairhaven Sermon 10-13-2024 Fairhaven Sermon 10 13 20240:00/1028.3761× In this week’s service, Rev. Dylan Parson opened with a humorous reflection on how spouses often seek opinions on small matters, only to dismiss the feedback if it doesn't align with what they already wanted to do. He then