Fairhaven Shorts 10-22-2023

Fairhaven Shorts 10-22-2023

Waiting for God

One theologian puts it this way, stewardship includes participating in God's mission, listening to God's law, doing justice, loving kindness, a way of life that includes opposing cruelty, injustice, and arrogance in all their forms.

The question then becomes, what has God gifted me to do? And this may or may not have anything to do with our careers..

Using Our God-Given Gifts

One theologian puts it this way, stewardship includes participating in God's mission, listening to God's law, doing justice, loving kindness, a way of life that includes opposing cruelty, injustice, and arrogance in all their forms.

The question then becomes, what has God gifted me to do? And this may or may not have anything to do with our careers.