The Daniel Plan


This Lent, we’re encouraging members and friends of our churches to participate in this 40-day, 6-week study from Pastor Rick Warren in Christian community with other believers. With an emphasis on Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus, and Friends, The Daniel Plan challenges us to integrate our physical and spiritual health and to honor God with the bodies we’ve been given.

The Daniel Plan is a DVD-based study that we’re offering at two different locations: The first will be held on Monday evenings at Spencer UMC (117 Spencer Ave, 15227), beginning Monday, March 10th from 7:00-8:30 pm. The second group will be meeting on Wednesdays at the home of Kelly Stasik beginning Wednesday, March 12th from 6:45-8:15 pm. The workbooks that accompany the DVD study can be purchased from Pastor Matt for $8.49, and many other resources can be found at Given the traditional themes of Lent such as self-discipline and a stronger focus on what really matters, the Daniel Plan is a great opportunity for us to strive together towards a healthier and holier life together. We’re looking forward to seeing what God does through it!”