United Methodist Church Of Castle Shannon
Last Worship Service at Castle Shannon
On Sunday, October 9,2016 was the United Methodist Church of Castle Shannon’s last worship service.
Photography by Bill Sherman

Confirmation Sunday May 17
May 17 will be a joyous day for three of our Partnership churches as we welcome new confirmands to our congregations.
Over the past year, young people from the Spencer, Crafton, and Castle Shannon churches have been meeting together weekly to learn about the beliefs and practices of the Christian
Holy Week Across the South Hill Partnership
South Hills Partnership
Carnegie UMC, Crafton UMC, Fairhaven UMC, Hill Top UMC, Spencer UMC and UMC of Castle Shannon
April 17, Maundy Thursday Options:
Maundy Thursday takes its name from the Latin word “mandatum”, or commandment. On this day of Holy Week, we recall the new commandment Jesus gave his
Castle Shannon Lenten Luncheon: Together Forever
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
935 Pine Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
* April 2: Resurrection of the Body
Pr. Kimberly van Driel preaching; First Presbyterian serving
* April 9: Life Everlasting
Father Peter Horton preaching; St. Anne serving
All services begin at 12:00 pm, with lunch to follow.