Giving From Abundance Calendar
During Lent, we are called to pray, to sacrifice, and to give. Imagine No Malaria helps us put our faith into action as we think about the blessings in our lives and give so that others may live, and live more abundantly!
The Giving from Abundance Calendar invites us to think every day about our access to resources and services that support our health. Clean water, electricity, transportation, medicine: many of us take these “necessary conditions for life” for granted. In reflecting upon our abundance, we are called to help create abundant life for others. Visit for more stories and to make donations.
These proposed gift amounts will generate giving around $25 over the course of Lent for an average household. You can add the money in a jar as you go or note the amounts each day and make one big donation at the end of Lent! The giving calendar ends on a Saturday, and Easter is the following Sunday. Make sure to bring your donations on Easter Sunday so that you can celebrate lives saved with your congregation!