Blessing Bags
A New Ministry of the Churches of the South Hills Partnership
What Are Blessing Bags?
It’s simple. Blessing Bags are a practical way for us as the Church to put into practice Jesus’ command to “give to everyone who asks of you” (Matthew 5:42). Each month we will be filling as many gallon plastic bags as we can with non-perishable food items, hygiene products, hand warmers, or whatever else we think someone could use in our communities. Then, we divide them up, take them with us in our cars, and give them to whomever we meet who might need them.
When Will We Be Collecting?
Anytime! Each one of our churches has Blessing Bag collection boxes that all of us are called to do our part to keep them filled. Then, on Blessing Bag Sunday, the first Sunday of each month, we will get together after morning worship at each of our churches to fill the bags and take them with us to our cars.
Who Are The Bags For?
Anyone who asks for help! It doesn’t matter whether the person asking for help has a place to stay or not. All that matters is that there’s a need that we as the Body of Christ are called to fill. With this project, our aim is to be just as free and open in our giving as Jesus is with His grace.
Why Are We Doing This?
Because God calls us to do it! Although each of the bags will contain information about our churches and a message about God’s love, we’re not doing this to build ourselves up. We’re doing it because these are the marching orders Jesus gave us! We’re called to meet the needs of the people around us, and this is one great way to do just that!
What Can I Do To Help?
First of all, pray! Pray that this project might help many people, but also pray about what the Holy Spirit is calling you to give each month. Times are hard for a lot of folks out there, including in our churches, but together we can do our part to make a difference. And for ideas about just what to bring in, see the following flyer and its list of suggested items. Just as God didn’t remain above us but instead became a human being who could relate to us as one of us, let’s pray that this project leads to many face-to-face encounters where we might be blessed through becoming a blessing to others.
“Give to everyone who asks of you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.”
Matthew 5:42
Suggested Items for Blessing Bags:
- Granola Bars
- Trail Mix
- Cheese and Crackers
- Apple Crisps
- Bottled Water
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste
- Chewing Gum
- Gallon Plastic or Paper Bags
- Use Your Imagination!
Remember: Packing days are the first Sunday of each month after church. But we take donations anytime!