Announcements 10-27-2024

Living Stones Monthly Free Dinner
- Event: Monthly free community meal open to all
- Location: Fairhaven UMC
- Time: This afternoon, October 27th at 4:30pm
- Details: Hot dinner will be served
Visit from Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball
- Event: Introduction of Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball to the community
- Location: Coraopolis UMC (Western PA Conference)
- Time: Tomorrow, October 28th at 6:30pm
- Details: RSVP at
All Hallows' Eve Service
- Event: Service commemorating the ancient Christian observance of All Hallows' Eve
- Location: Spencer (presumably another location within the church or community)
- Time: Wednesday, October 30th at 7pm
- Details: Encounter with reality of death and darkness, and Jesus Christ's triumph over it
Small Group Restarting
- Event: Restart of small group/class meetings for faith growth and daily relationship with God
- Location: Fairhaven UMC (or other specified location)
- Time: Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm
- Contact: Stormie
Christmas Store Nominations
- Event: Nominate families to participate in the Christmas store using provided forms
- Location: Submit nominations via email or paper form placed in offering plate at Fairhaven UMC
- Time: Deadline for nominations is Sunday, November 10th
- Details: A committee will select families and contact them to schedule their time slot to shop on December 3rd
- Contact: Lou Ann